Monday, January 26, 2009

Who's the bad luck?

For the past 2 weeks, I've sworn it was Jodie. The day she decided to come to Terrace, the snow turned to rain and then to cold clear days so that the skiing was terrible for her whole visit. Then the day she left, 20cm fell with more in the forecast all week.

But, today, on the first day of snow in weeks, I sprained my ankle and likely won't be enjoying this dump....

So the mystery continues: who's the bad luck? Me or Jodie?

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Insights from English Literature

From my english course this morning:

It doesn't take a Freudian analyst to see that childbirth and the evacuation of the bowels are intimately connected. Diarrhea, or loss of control over one's bowels, could be seen as Philomena's loss of control over her reproductive system, while constipation could signify her desire, having lost one child, to not let go of another one.

HOLY CRAP (no pun intended)! Are we not looking a little too deep here? I like to think I'm pretty insightful but I would NEVER have drawn that parallel. No, it doesn't take a Freudian, it takes an English major!

Monday, January 05, 2009

All pow'ed out!

Tavis and I were disappointed not to get any skiing in while we were in FSJ and Prince George over the Christmas break. The weather was too cold and the conditions just weren't good enough to entice us to Powder King or the backcountry around Grizzly Den. But our patience paid off. The snow started to fall as we drove back into Terrace on New Year's eve and knowing it was going to be a powder day on the first, we were early to bed (ok, ok, and we just didn't have anything better to do!).

We started off the New Year with a bang - some of the best tree skiing I've ever had in the Shames backcountry. Four long laps left me completely but contentedly exhausted by the end of the day.

Two days later, we were back at the hill and with another 15cm of snow, the skiing was even better! This time I was beyond exhausted by the time we got back to the hill but grinning ear to ear and trying to re-live every turn in my head.

On Sunday, there was TOO MUCH snow in the backcountry so we settled for a day on the hill. I can't say that my legs were disappointed to be riding the lift although the turns weren't quite as rewarding. Still, it was pure powder and more falling from the sky all day!

What an incredible weekend! What an incredible place!