Wednesday, March 08, 2006

poke-o moonshine

So I managed to drag myself out of bed for another day of play before the rain settles in for the weekend. Nik and I went down to Poke O Moonshine in New York for a day of ice climbing. It was a perfect day - not too sunny, but not cold - and we did a few really fun climbs. Nik did one of his best leads today and I muscled my way up a couple climbs that were right at my limit physically (read: long, vertical, and pumpy). Now I'm even more beat than I was last night, if that's possible and I'm going to sleep away most of the day tomorrow (only taking my pj's off to go climbing in the evening).

A pic for Ma and Pa: here's me posing in front of two of the climbs that we did today (I've marked them in red). The picture totally doesn't do them justice - it looks much longer and steeper when you're actually standing underneath it.

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