Sunday, April 23, 2006

geo-caching across america

I made it! In a record-breaking 4 days (+ one to visit my grandparents), I made it from Montreal to Fort St. John AND managed to hit a few geo-caches along the way. I drove through the US, hoping to see the badlands in North Dakota, but I guess they're further south than the route I took. Still saw tons of ranch-land, antelopes, pheasants and horses that made the ride enjoyable. With the back of my car so full, I couldn't change my cd's for most of the ride and so I listened to country music on the radio more or less the whole way across, which was quite fitting. And depressing.

This little flower that Rob sent along with me made it the whole way out west (and across the border twice, tee hee).

Two very proud grandparents with their first little geo-cache. They had a great time 'treasure hunting' around Gore Bay.

Gas bar or brothel? Who came up with this name?!

There's a geo-cache hidden somewhere in these old dinos

Taa Daa!

The wide open spaces of North Dakota and Montana.

1 comment:

erin elizabeth king said...

yay! glad you had a good trip. brings back memories of my final drive out of montreal. sniff. have a fun summer!