Friday, June 29, 2007

beer drinking, sling-shot slinging and hot springing

We had three days off following our first fire streak and Jodie, Doyle, Dean and I headed up to Liard hotsprings for a little bit of fun and relaxation (though, truth be told, I was far more tired when we got home than when we left!).

mostly because having doyle around was just like having a little brother there (and i guess i'd sort of forgotten what that was like).

he roped and tied me

shot his slingshot at me

jumped on me

and sat on me

but at least i wasn't the only one being harassed... the buffalo got a taste of his sling-shot, too!

we went for a big hike just south of the hotsprings, just choosing a nice long ridge from the highway and going for it.

it was the first time that dean had ever gone hiking for fun...and i'm still not sure just how much fun he actually had

but we made it, and at the top, we were all smiles :)

but after a long hike, a rainy descent and a million mosquito bites, bathing in the hotsprings felt very deserved

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